

专 稿 Expert 

05 中国绿色供应链的战略思考与发展路径研究 魏际刚 王 超

专 栏 Special column | 新质生产力发展

15 数字经济驱动制造业数智化转型发展的典型范式 王海兵

专 题 Feature | 数智化时代的先进制造

24 中国智能制造发展基础与发展方向研究 邓 洲 李 童

31 航空制造业升级的金融支撑作用研究 丁 勇 郭文佳

43 新质生产力赋能先进制造业高质量发展的云南实践 

郑季良 刘 萌 宋沁清

智 库 Think Tank

49 推动科技与产业协同创新的重点路径研究 陆继山

53 畅通企业数据利用路径 释放数据要素价值 张 苑 王 波

观 察 Observation

58 深化直播电商服务改革 构建电商平台经济新生态 陈岳洁 王家富

智库书香 Taste of Think Tank Books

66 《未来制造:数智化时代的制造新模式》 


镜 鉴 Reference 

80 中外能源基础设施REITs发展对比研究 郑祖婷 于超越

指 数 Index

87 中国新经济指数


05 Strategic Thinking and Development Path Research on China’s Green Supply Chain

Special Column

15 Research on the Typical Paradigm of Digitalization Transformation in Manufacturing Driven by Digital Economy


24 The Development Foundation and Direction of Intelligent Manufacturing in China

31 Research on the Impact of Financial Development on the Upgrading of Aviation Manufacturing Industry

43 Yunnan’s Practice of Empowering High-Quality Development of Advanced Manufacturing Industry with New Quality Productive Forces

Think Tank

49 Research on Key Paths to Promote Collaborative Innovation between Technology and Industry

53 Unblocking Enterprise Data Utilization Pathways to Release Data Element Value


58 Intensify Reforms in Live Streaming E-commerce Services and Building a New Ecosystem of E-commerce Platform Economy

Taste of Think Tank Books

66 Future Manufacturing: A New Model of Manufacturing in the Digital and Intelligent Era.


80 Comparative Study on the Development of Energy Infrastructure REITs between China and Foreign Countries


87 China’s New Economic Index
